The automatic server restart schedule has been changed. The restarts will still occur every 4 hours to help keep the server clear of clutter and maintain optimum performance, but the restart timings are now as follows:
4am // 8am // Mid-Day // 4pm // 8pm // Midnight (All Times Are GMT)
We have made these changes to define 4 main sessions to help offer more uninterrupted gaming during our peak times.
Morning Session: 8am – Mid-Day
Afternoon Session: Mid-Day – 4pm
Evening Session: 4pm – 8pm
Late Session: 8pm – Midnight
We also have the
Hardcore Dedication Session: Midnight – 4am
and the
What The Fuck Are You Doing Awake Session: 4am – 8am
We hope you enjoy these changes, and as always we welcome your feedback via the website contact form.